Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap & wastes processors and vehicle recyclers


7 June 2024

The National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM continues to publish its regular newsletter for international partners, containing valuable proprietary information on the Russian metals and scrap markets: RUSLOM.COM self-regulatory news and updates; the national metal scrap processing industry stories; as well as the latest Rusmet Rating Agency market indices. We welcome your feedback and communication, based on the above newsletter.




RUSLOM.COM visits renewable energy company in Shanghai 3

Annual conference Baltic Scrap held in Kaliningrad. 4

Victor Kovshevny speaks at Russian Railways Conference. 6

Victor Kovshevny speaks at round table “Metal and Scrap Market Balance. Trends in pipe industry”. 7

RUSLOM.COM and Bureau of Middle East Recycling sign a priority partnership agreement 8

Speakers of RUSLOM.COM and Rusmet Rating Agency take part in the 12th International Wire and Cable Industry Exhibition ‘WIRE’ 8

RUSLOM.COM plans business programme at INNOPROM industrial exhibition in Ekaterinburg. 9


Consumption of ferrous scrap in Russia at around 20 million tonnes per year 10

Russia prepares to develop unified register of vehicle recyclers. 10

Scrap metal in Russia becomes 10% more expensive since beginning of year 11



Liquid steel production in Russia. 13

Growth of Russian metal exports to China. 13

Nornickel: new solutions. 14


Russian Government proposes surcharge to tax on coal 15

Kuban’s radio electronics industry. 15

Loading on Russian Railways in May. 16



RUSLOM.COM visits renewable energy company in Shanghai

On 6 June 2024, the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM as part of a delegation from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia visited Shanghai’s renewable energy company Tianma.

This is one of the plants in the eco-technopark that recycles more than 3,500 tonnes of household waste per day and produces energy from steam and gases through incineration and biotechnological processes. The company uses 14 percent of the energy for its own needs, while 86 per cent is sold to the government.

The ash from the incineration process is used to make bricks for construction. It is also worth noting that the government pays the plants for waste collection and recycling, while citizens do not pay solid waste fees or other environmental charges.

The second plant in Tianma technopark is a construction waste recycling facility that processes at least 1,500 tonnes of waste per day. The waste undergoes air, magnetic and other types of separation.




Annual conference Baltic Scrap held in Kaliningrad

On 30-31 May 2024, the annual conference ‘Baltic Scrap’ was held in Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region. The conference was organised with the support of the Kaliningrad Region Administration, with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Regional Union of Waste Processors of the Kaliningrad region. The organisers were Rusmet Rating Agency and the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM; the conference was supported by Baltvtorresurs.

The programme of the event included sessions on trends in state regulation and transformation of the scrap business; reports by banking experts; and directions of diversification and technologisation of the scrap business.

The session on regulatory trends was opened by Andrey Savelyev, Head of Ferrous Metallurgy Development Division of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Andrey Savelyev noted that regulation of the scrap procurement industry in Russia is currently being reformed, including scrap export, non-cash payments for scrap, personal income tax and legal status of individuals, control and supervision. The speaker drew attention to the fact that the new version of the Resolution 980 of the Government of the Russian Federation includes powers of control of self-regulatory organisations, reduction of licensing services. On quotas for ferrous scrap exports, a change from the regional coefficients approach to individual calculation of quota capacity is being considered. This is especially relevant for export-oriented regions such as Kaliningrad.

The next speaker was Svetlana Shevchenko, Head of the Department of Licensing of the Kaliningrad region, who spoke about the specifics of the licensing process in the region and the results of the department’s activities over the last three years, and shared useful information for licensees. Thus, in particular, it has been possible to significantly reduce the time of consideration of applications, up to 10 days.

The session continued with a report by Natalia Belyaeva, CEO of Delphi Law Company, who spoke about the specifics and differences of licences for waste disposal and scrap metal. ‘For those companies that are thinking about diversification, about getting involved in another area of recycling, which implies a different regulatory framework, it is necessary to first determine whether they have a licence for this, and understand the procedure required to obtain it’ – said the speaker.

Dmitry Stechkevich, General Director of PSKOVVVTORMET, one of the leading scrap exporters in North-West Russia, noted in his speech that there is no shortage of scrap metal in the Russian Federation. This statement, the speaker emphasised, is supported by many factors, in particular, such as the noticeable rejection of scrap metal by Russian consumers over the past and current year. According to him, as a result of the introduction of quotas in the North-West Federal District, the amount of scrap metal shipped for export fell from two million to 314 thousand tonnes, while the amount sent to Russian plants fell from 800 to 500 thousand.

Kristina Gronskaya, Head of Scrap and Waste Metals Management at Rusmet Rating Agency, devoted her presentation to scrap exports and price change factors. The analyst traced the dynamics of scrap exports from the port of Kaliningrad from 2016 to 2023, highlighting the leading country export destinations that changed during the analysed period. The speaker also spoke about the dynamics of total scrap shipment volumes from the port over the period; presented the price index for ferrous scrap of Russia and Turkey, 2020-2024, $/t.

Victor Kovshevny, Director of RUSLOM.COM Association, compared the situation with scrap collection in Russia and Belarus. The speaker noted that in Belarus there is no personal income tax on all collected recyclables. The percentage of scrap collected by individuals in the country is 52-54%, while the average level in Europe is about 50%. The Director of the Association stated that the reform of personal income tax on scrap collected in Russia is one of the key issues for the industry. He also separately noted that scrap metal exports should not be restricted.

The event continued with an interactive session with banking experts. The session opened with a presentation by Marina Uglovskaya, CEO of Rusmet Rating Agency. Rusmet CEO’s speech was devoted to SWOT-analysis of adaptation of the members of RUSLOM.COM to work under the conditions of non-cash payments with individuals for scrap (according to the law № 304-FZ, entered into force on 01.10.2023). The speaker listed and analysed a wide range of advantages, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the business of the scrap industry participants.

Thus, among the objectively strong sides were considered the leading positions and high reputation of RUSLOM.COM members in the business environment and authorities; sufficiency of own infrastructure, assets, experience of doing business in a transparent zone; availability of client base and stable financial and economic relations; priority cashless payment instruments, including those with partner banks; expert and GR-support of the Association, the ability to convey initiatives and appeals of Association’s members to the regulator; support of the Association in the dialogue of scrap collectors with the compliance of banks and the Central Bank; preferential tariffs in partner banks; and the availability of systemic industry analytics to make informed decisions.

The first speaker from the banking community was Melina Gosyan, Director of Medium Corporate Business at Alfa-Bank in Kaliningrad. She spoke about the results of work with scrap collectors since 2019. During this time, the bank has established work in terms of financial monitoring, constantly developing the product line based on changes in legislation and customer needs. The speaker said that currently 80% of scrap collection companies in the Kaliningrad region are clients of Alfa-Bank. Melina Gosyan noted that the bank offers both express lending and long-term financing.

Elena Minkina, a representative of Mozen, the company which together with Alfa-Bank has developed a cashless transfer service for scrap collectors that allows them to organise the entire process of accepting scrap ‘in one window’, was a co-presenter. Mozen also makes it possible to optimise commission costs through a single payment to the scrap collector for all types of scrap. Elena Minkina stressed that the service integrates with 1C and other ERP systems and features a variety of flexible settings.

Vyacheslav Tsarik, Head of PSB’s Client Solutions Centre, spoke about the bank’s integrated solutions for scrap collectors. He said that the bank has been working with scrap collectors for two years already and how the approach to work in this area has changed. According to him, the bank enables scrap collectors to work through integration, using a personal account or mobile application, and also provides a choice of three partner payment services.

Anna Reznik, product manager of Tinkoff Bank, talked about Jump.Finance payment service. The service offers services to automate payments and document flow, and currently has more than a thousand connected scrap customers. As the speaker noted, the service highlights several advantages. Among them are the absence of monthly and daily limits, prompt and high-quality support, simplification of accounting work due to the 1C module and other functionality.

The final session of the event was devoted to the directions of diversification and technologicalisation of the scrap business.

Alexander Shepelev, General Director of Taurus Motors, was the first to speak on ‘Electricity vs. Diesel’. He told about the company’s experience of using electric unloaders, which allowed the company to meet the demand for servicing of scrapyards with an average volume of one and a half to two thousand tonnes per month. The speaker also gave a comparative analysis of the use of electric and diesel loaders. Thus, the effective cost per one tonne of scrap is 114 roubles for an electric loader and 169 for a diesel one, provided that the capital cost of an electric loader is about one and a half times less.

Mikhail Tarakanov, General Director of MegaRex, spoke about equipment that can effectively replace personnel at a scrap yard. Talking about the experience of scrap processing of American companies, the speaker noted that it is cheaper to process certain types of scrap with mounted shears, which, firstly, replace gas cutters, and secondly, are 4-8 times more efficient than them.

Svetlana Mikhailova, International Sales Director of SEDA-Umwelttechnik GmbH, talked about the equipment for auto recycling offered by the company.

Pavel Drynkin, founder of BusinessOrbita LLC, spoke about the practice of using Chinese press shears.

Svyatoslav Lavrinenko, Chairman of the Union of Waste Processors of the Kaliningrad Region, presented a badge of honour to Victor Kovshevny, Director of the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM. The speaker noted that he highly appreciates the efforts of industry communities to consolidate and support business, as well as to promote the development of a closed-cycle economy.

On the second day of the event, 31 May, a group of delegates from the Baltic Scrap conference visited the AMPERTEX plant, which is located in the Kaliningrad region and uses a unique technology of heating electrically conductive filament based on polymers and nano-additives. AMPERTEX products are effective in de-icing and heating systems for various surfaces and industrial facilities in construction, oil, transport, medical and other spheres.



Victor Kovshevny speaks at Russian Railways Conference

Moscow hosted a major discussion on what influences the choice of transport mode in freight transport – on 23 May, Russian Railways-Partner held a conference entitled “Rail vs. Motor Transport: Competition for Cargo”.

Since the beginning of the year, Russian Railways cargoes have not grown, and shippers are declaring a global shift to motor transport. For example, the volume of metallurgical cargoes transported by motor transport has increased four times. Against the backdrop of these trends, an open dialogue between market participants on the extent, reasons and options for curbing the exodus of freight from rail to road has proved very useful.

Market participants note that they choose road transport even though it costs them more – they are willing to pay for meeting deadlines and delivery dynamics.

Among the cargoes that have turned out to be among those that have opted for road transport is ferrous scrap. Victor Kovshevny, Director of the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM, spoke at the conference about the situation on the scrap market in general. He noted that the media reported that scrap loading on the Russian Railways network today is the lowest for 5 years, but it is safe to say that the current figures are the lowest since 2000. The expert suggested to follow the dynamics in a narrower interval – from 2011 to 2024 – the loading decreased from 87 to 64%. Victor Kovshevny gave several reasons for this, but not only the competition between rail and road – the problem is broader.

“In 2024 we have a decrease in the consumption of scrap by factories (by 18% in 2023). The situation is incomprehensible to many: everywhere there are victory speeches that the construction is loaded, but there is a collapse in the scrap market. The problem is the 12th package of sanctions, which actually redirected pig iron to the domestic market, previously it was mainly an export cargo. Scrap is now being actively replaced by it, just like HBI,” he says.

Among the other reasons he cites are: restrictions on scrap exports in 2022-2024, which will lead to a reduction in the collection of hard-to-reach and hard-to-recover scrap, a reduction in the number of scrap collectors; restrictions on Russian Railways – it is impossible to divert scrap flows from export-oriented regions; economics – transport by road and water is more efficient.



Victor Kovshevny speaks at round table “Metal and Scrap Market Balance. Trends in pipe industry”.

Victor Kovshevny shared forecasts for ferrous scrap up to 2030. Summarising the results, he familiarised the participants with the Association’s proposals:

Not to allow toughening of measures of ferrous metal scrap export regulation compared to those in force in 2023, and to maintain the export duty rate at the level of 5%.

Increase the size of the tariff quota up to 2 million tonnes for 12 months of 2024, including the main volume of 1 million 200 thousand tonnes and an additional volume of 800 thousand tonnes for scrap collectors harvesting metal waste in the territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. This is necessary for the development of the territories and the elimination of accumulated environmental damage, including during the period of the barrier duty on the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In order to create economic conditions for harvesting of hard-to-recover scrap in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk region, Republic of Karelia, Murmansk region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Nenets Autonomous District, Chukotka Autonomous District, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Krasnoyarsk region) it is proposed to provide additional incentives for scrap collectors from these regions by increasing the size of the tariff quota and setting a zero export duty rate for scrap exports from these territories.




RUSLOM.COM and Bureau of Middle East Recycling sign a priority partnership agreement

During the business trip of Russian scrap collectors to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), organised by the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM on 14-18 May 2024, a priority partnership agreement was signed between the Association and the Bureau of Middle East Recycling (BMR).

The signing ceremony was attended on the Russian side by BusinessOrbita, Vtormet, Intermettrade, Metalltorg, Rusmet RA, and SGMK, and on the UAE side by Aboura Metals, Eurogulf Minerals and Metals FZCO, Jupiter Metals Trading LLC and The Nile Metals.

The purpose of the business trip is to study the experience in the field of ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap processing, electronic scrap and batteries.

Under the agreement, RUSLOM.COM and BMR intend to promote cooperation between companies operating in Russia and the UAE in order to coordinate and secure their common interests, increase their competitiveness, strengthen their professional capacity and manage a network of economic, professional and knowledge-based systems of international scope for the development of the recycling industry and the economies of both Russia and the UAE.

The undersigned partners also aim to expand the system of interaction between the member companies of their industry associations in the domestic and international markets, as well as to create opportunities for cooperation with foreign companies and the development of new markets.

As part of the Russian scrap collectors’ trip to the UAE, the participants visited Al Asfaran Steel, Masonery&Aluminium Smelting LLC as part of a business programme. The company, which is a major exporter and importer of recyclable materials, is involved in the production of structural steel, aluminium and the processing of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap. The core business of Al Asfaran Steel, Masonery&Aluminium Smelting LLC is the recycling of aluminium scrap.

The delegates also visited PGI, a leading ferrous and non-ferrous scrap recycler in the UAE, which also specialises in waste management. PGI buys, recycles and sells various types of scrap including aluminium, copper, wire and cable, brass, lead, nickel alloys, titanium, stainless steel and zinc.

Next on the programme was a visit to Ni Met Recycling FZ, which specialises in recycling scrap stainless steel, heat-resistant stainless steel alloys, chromium steel and other recyclable metals.

Highlights of the programme were talks at the Dubatt and Sasra Metal FZC facilities. Dubatt is the UAE’s first fully integrated used lead-acid battery (ULAB) recycling facility, capable of recycling up to 50,000 tonnes per year, one of the largest in the region. In turn, Sasra Metal FZC is a new aluminium recycling plant equipped with a state-of-the-art air emission treatment system.



Speakers of RUSLOM.COM and Rusmet Rating Agency take part in the 12th International Wire and Cable Industry Exhibition ‘WIRE’

Alexey Kovtun, Commercial Director of Rusmet RA, made a report on ‘Copper and Aluminium Market Trends. Price Indices”. He spoke about the scenario of copper scrap market balance in 2024, about the structure of copper scrap purchase in Russia, and also noted that the structure will change if the law on agency VAT is adopted. The topics of import and export of copper scrap were also touched upon.

Aluminium production in Russia in 2023 was 58,294 thousand tonnes. Loading of aluminium products by rail, according to RA Rusmet, for the period January-December 2023 increased by 0.9% to 3,732.0 thousand tonnes compared to the same period last year. Including, in the intra-Russian direction loading increased by 20.8% to 566.5 thousand tonnes, while in the export direction there was a decrease of 1.6% to 3,165.5 thousand tonnes. Imports of aluminium and aluminium products by rail during the period under review increased by 28.4% to 15.6 thousand tonnes, this information was shared by Alexey Alipchenko, member of the Presidium of RUSLOM.COM.

The expert also spoke about the balance of the aluminium scrap market in Russia and predicted that under the baseline scenario the scrap volume in 2030 will be 1982 thousand tonnes.

At the end of the presentation, the results were summarised and the reasons for the decline in scrap collection were given: saturation of scrap markets for export due to duties. Non-ferrous scrap provides 30% of the financial revenue of a scrap collection point and 6-8% by weight to ferrous scrap. When ferrous scrap falls, non-ferrous scrap also falls. One of the reasons for the fall in 2022 was the 100-euro barrier duty on exports, because of which the non-ferrous scrap harvesting industry is suffering.

Alexey Chizhikov, Head of Metals and Metals Raw Materials Analytics at Rusmet, presented a report on ‘Steel and Metals Raw Materials Markets. Metal and product price indices”. His presentation included a detailed assessment of current trends and future prospects for these markets.



RUSLOM.COM plans business programme at INNOPROM industrial exhibition in Ekaterinburg

The national Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM, in accordance with the schedule of events, is planning a business programme at the INNOPROM industrial exhibition in Ekaterinburg, which will be held on the eve of Metallurgists’ Day, 8-11 July 2024.

The partner is Rusmet Rating Agency. The INNOPROM programme includes a session on the balance of metals and raw materials markets.

Questions to be discussed:



Consumption of ferrous scrap in Russia at around 20 million tonnes per year

According to the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM, the consumption of ferrous scrap in Russia is estimated at around 20 million tonnes per year.

4.1 million tonnes of waste paper are used annually as a secondary raw material, from which the majority of cardboard is made. About 300,000 tonnes of external glass waste (glass waste collected for recycling, does not include glass waste generated in production facilities) is recycled annually. This is used as raw material for glass container production and glass fibre production. Approximately 260,000 tonnes of secondary polymer granulate is also used in the economic process to make new products.



Russia prepares to develop unified register of vehicle recyclers

The service is to be combined with the Public Services Portal, so that anyone can submit an online application for the disposal of their car or motorcycle. After that, the car owner will be able to get a discount on the purchase of a new domestic car, said Victor Kovshevny, Director of the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM.

“A unified register of recyclers will unite the interests of machine manufacturers, buyers, scrap collectors, and metallurgists who need raw materials. For the consumer, it means that he can bring in his old car for recycling and get a discount on a new car. The scrap yard gets the volumes for car recycling, gives the raw material to the metallurgist and the metallurgist smelts the metal and steel, which is then used by the car manufacturer. It is a win-win situation,” he explains.


Scrap metal in Russia becomes 10% more expensive since beginning of year

On 7 May the newspaper Vedomosti published an article entitled “Scrap metal in Russia has risen in price by another 10% since the beginning of the year”. The press service of RA Rusmet brings to your attention extracts from this article.

“In recent years there have been two main trends in the scrap market: a decrease in the number of medium-sized companies and an increase in the number of small ones, and a decrease in the number of independent scrap collectors. They drive up the price of this raw material,” Victor Kovshevny, Director of the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM, told Vedomosti in an interview.

“In order to restore the volume of scrap collection in Russia, Mr. Kovshevny expects that it will be necessary to abolish quotas and export barriers for supplies to foreign markets. Earlier, RUSLOM.COM estimated the potential annual export revenues from scrap deliveries abroad at $1.5 billion,” Vedomosti reported.


The Weekly Rusmet Index for Steel Scrap 3A FCA Russia domestic on 22nd week 2024 (27 May– 02 Jun) settled at 25 850 RUB/mt (ex VAT). The Index decreased by 350 RUB/mt (1,3%) compared to previous week.

For 22nd week 2024 (27 May-02 Jun) Rusmet Billet Index FOB Black Sea settled at 44 279 RUB/mt (down 1,7%), Rusmet HRC FOB Black Sea Index settled at 50 439 RUB/mt (down 1,1%), Rusmet CRC FOB Black Sea Index settled at 61 598 RUB/mt (down 1,1%), Rusmet Rebar FOB Black Sea Index settled at 44 725 RUB/mt (down 1,7%).

Rusmet Coal FOB Australia (62% CSR) Index compared to previous week decreased by $1 (0,6%) to 207$/mt, Index for Coal FOB Australia (70% CSR) remained unchanged compared to previous week is equal to 240$/mt.




Liquid steel production in Russia

According to the results of Q1 of this year, the production of liquid steel by domestic enterprises is estimated at 18.2 million tonnes, which is 2.1% less than in the previous quarter and 1.9% less on year.

At the same time, the share of steel melted by the oxygen converter method was 48.1%, the share of EAF steel was 25.6%, and the share of open-hearth steel was 1.5%.


Growth in Russian metal exports to China

Russia significantly increased its exports of copper, nickel, and aluminium to China in April-May. According to RIA Novosti calculations based on Chinese customs data, the volume of supplies of these metals increased by almost a third on year, reaching 144,000 tonnes. In monetary terms, the value of the shipments increased by one and a half times to $570 million.

In April, nickel exports from Russia to China showed the most significant growth. Shipments increased more than sixfold year-on-year to 4.2 thousand tonnes. The value of these exports also increased significantly, totalling $62 million compared to $16 million a year earlier. This increase can be attributed to increased demand for nickel in China for use in the production of batteries and stainless steel.

Copper exports also increased significantly. Copper shipments increased by a third in both physical and monetary terms, reaching 20 thousand tonnes and $174 million respectively. The growth in demand for copper in China can be attributed to the development of infrastructure projects and the expansion of electronics production.

Aluminium shipments from Russia to China increased by 27% to 120 thousand tonnes. In monetary terms, aluminium exports increased to $335 million from $230 million in the previous year.

The increase in the value of exports in monetary terms indicates a rise in metal prices on the world market, which may be due to supply constraints and increased demand.



Nornickel: new solutions

Nornickel presented four key IT projects at the Russian IT forum ‘Digital Industry of Industrial Russia 2024’ (DIIR), underlining its commitment to innovation in the metallurgical and environmental sectors.

These developments, carried out within the framework of the Metallurgy and Ecology Industrial Competence Centres (ICC), demonstrate the company’s readiness to provide advanced solutions for various industries. The new develpments are: Mining and Geological Information System, Mining Planning System, Underground Mining Operations Management. The project developed at the Ecology ICC is dedicated to the predictive monitoring of emissions. These innovative products have been developed without disconnecting from the company’s production and business processes. The Predictive Emission Monitoring project is particularly important as it has potential for application not only in metallurgy, but also in the oil and gas, chemical and energy sectors.

Nornickel is also an active supporter of the new national Economy of Data programme, which aims to simplify interaction between the state and business. The head of the company noted that successful import substitution of systems and products is being achieved both by using existing solutions from Russian vendors and by creating new products within the ICC. These achievements should be made more accessible to the whole market.

At the DIIR-2024 Forum in Nizhny Novgorod, Nornickel and Rostelecom entered into a strategic partnership aimed at strengthening the cyber resilience of the mining and metals industry. Vladimir Potanin, President of Nornickel, and Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom, signed an agreement to work together to ensure information security, prevent data leakage, control software security and limit access to malicious resources.



Russian Government proposes surcharge to tax on coal

The Russian Government has submitted to the State Duma amendments to the Tax Code proposing the introduction of a surcharge on the mineral extraction tax rate for coking and steam coal in the amount of 10% of the excess of prices in Far Eastern seaports over the established threshold.

“In case of coking and steam coal, it is proposed to introduce an additional surcharge to the tax rate in the amount of 10% of the excess of the price in the seaports of the Far Eastern Federal District over the established threshold,” the explanatory note to the document states.



Kuban’s radio electronics industry

In recent years, Kuban’s radio electronics industry has shown stable growth and has become a key sector of the regional economy. This sector specialises in the production of solar and rechargeable batteries, which are important components for spacecraft.

More recently, Kuban’s radio-electronics enterprises have become strategically important for the space industry. Production volume indicators doubled last year, confirming the efficiency of this sector. Today, more than a dozen companies successfully operate in the region, developing and producing key components for spacecraft, including power supply systems, video surveillance and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Over the past two years, significant sums have been allocated for the development of the radio electronics industry, both from regional grants and federal loans.

One of the best examples of successful project implementation with government support is the Krasnodar-based company Saturn. The company has become a leader in Russia in the development and production of solar and rechargeable batteries. Its products, including gallium arsenide solar batteries and lithium-ion batteries, are used on the Luch-5 series of spacecraft.



Loading on Russian Railways in May

According to operational data, loading on the Russian Railways network in May 2024 was 104.4 million tonnes, which is 2.1% less on year.

Loading for January-May 2024, according to operational data, amounted to 502 million tonnes, which is 3% less than in the same period last year.

Railways loaded:



Alexey Kondratyev
Director, Public Relations
National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM
Address: 119017 Bolshaya Ordynka st., 50 b.1, Moscow, Russian Federation
Phone/fax:+7 (499) 490-49-28
Mobile: +7 (903) 363-53-93

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