Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap & wastes processors and vehicle recyclers

The National Association RUSLOM.COM took part in an international webinar by Steel Mint India on scrap export

The National Association RUSLOM.COM took part in an international webinar by Steel Mint India on scrap export

Alexey Kondratyev, Director of Public Relations of the Association and Editor-in-Chief of Rusmet Rating Agency, spoke at the webinar of Steel Mint India on June 12th with a presentation on the subject by Victor Kovshevny, Director of RUSLOM.COM, and also answered questions of the event participants.

The webinar was dedicated to the topic “Can Russia become an alternative source for South Asia amid the EU’s scrap export ban talks?”.

During the event participants were informed on the current state of scrap metal industry in Russia, trends of production and consumption of all types of scrap metal in Russia, including specific forecasts till 2030, current export status quo in relation to EU and CIS, export potential to South Asia as well as on taxes and government policies affecting the industry.

The representative of RUSLOM.COM responded positively to the key question regarding the potential of Russian scrap exports to South Asia, in percentage terms for specific types of scrap, in case of a more favourable domestic and foreign situation for domestic scrap metal producers, including the removal of certain restrictions and the adoption of measures to promote scrap exports – a policy which the Association continuously and consistently formulates and defends both domestically and representing the industry abroad.

India’s Steel Mint webinar series, scheduled for 12-15 June 2023, aims to cover a wide range of topics including iron ore, coal, steel, ferrous scrap, aluminium, copper and stainless steel. In the view of the current geopolitical situation, characterised by ongoing supply chain disruptions, rising energy and commodity prices, especially for raw materials for steel production, and financial market volatility, it is essential for industry professionals to gain a comprehensive understanding of the trends and prospects for the named topics.

Steel Mint, founded in 2009, is India’s leading market research and data analysis company specialising in the steel and ferrous industries in general.

Their core business activities include market research, price assessments, and industry news covering various aspects of the steel and iron market, such as raw materials, finished products, and logistics. Steel Mint also constantly monitors key market trends and developments.

One of Steel Mint’s strengths is its commitment to data-driven decision-making. The company uses advanced data analysis tools and methodologies to analyse large volumes of data, enabling it to identify patterns and trends that can be used to make strategic decisions by companies in the steel industry.

Steel Mint also regularly organises industry events and conferences, providing an up-to-date information and dialogue platform for professionals in the steel industry and related sectors.


National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM is the only official industry association of scrap processors in Russia with the national self-regulatory organisation status. The Association members are more than 300 companies from among the procurement divisions of metallurgical plants, independent processors, exporters and traders, which are leaders of the market and government programmes. Members of the National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM own 100% of the shredding capacity in Russia and 75% of the market in terms of consumption of steel scrap in Russia.

 The Association’s mission is to ensure the resource and environmental security of Russia by means of returning recoverable materials to the economic turnover.

 The Association’s goal is to create a high-tech metal recycling industry in Russia.

Alexey Kondratyev

Director, Public Relations
National Recycling Association RUSLOM.COM
Address: Moscow, 2nd Kazachiy lane, 11, p. 1
Tel.  +7 (499) 490-49-28
Mob. tel. +7 (903) 363-5393
Email   a.kondratiev@ruslom.com

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